The 2024 MNO Synod Convention will be held May 24-26 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Selkirk, MB, hosted but the Interlake Shared Regional Ministry (IRSM).

Under the theme Renewed and Transformed, we will gather to worship, to share the ways we have been renewed and transformed as individuals, congregations and the wider church. Additionally, we will attend to passing important motions regarding the ongoing mission and ministry of our synod, and have elections for synod council positions, lay, youth and rostered delegates to the 2025 ELCIC National Convention, and synodical bishop.

Convention fees cover the costs of convention. That means there are no additional costs to attend synod convention (ie registration, travel, hotel). Every congregation in the MNO Synod is eligible to send 1 lay delegate for every 300 members, in addition to their rostered leader(s), to convention. 

As congregations have their AGMs, please send in delegate and alternate names & contact information as well as any nominations for the 2025 National Convention to the synod office.

Information, including registration materials and full agenda, will be added to this page as it is available.

INFORMATION FOR VOTING DELEGATES WILL BE SENT DIRECTLY TO VOTING DELEGATES.  If you are a voting delegate, please contact the synod office if you have not received communication related to the convention.

Counting Down to Convention

At Convention

Youth Delegates

The Administrative Bylaws for the MNO Synod (Part V Section 3e) state:

            Twelve youth delegates appointed by synod council in consultation with areas. Synod council shall make every effort to appoint at least two youth from delegates from each electoral region.  If an electoral region is not able to provide a youth delegate, that delegate position may be reallocated on an at-large basis. 

Youth delegates must be between the ages of 16-25 years of age as of the first full day of convention. See Synod Council motion 2018-28

Synod Council will appoint up to 12 nominees. In addition to representation from every electoral region of the synod, every effort should be made to have a broad representation of gender, orientation, race, and experience… The Assistant to the Bishop informs the youth following their appointment and provides information about registration, including the registration deadline.

Youth delegates are expected to participate in all of convention, and to stay at the convention hotel with the youth delegation, at the direction of the Youth Facilitator.


Synod convention information is included in the synod e-news, and sent directly to registered delegates and guests.  If you do not receive the synod e-news, you can subscribe here.

Voting Delegates were sent Convention Bulletins with information specific to them.  If you are a voting delegate and have not received these emails, please contact the synod office.


In May 2024, Bishop Jason’s current term as bishop ends, which means an election must take place at Synod Convention. The election will occur during the MNO Synod Convention convened from May 24-26 in Selkirk, MB. Bishop Jason is willing to serve another term. As we approach convention, we want to seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and we want to invite the whole synod into intentional discernment and prayer with us.

To encourage a period of discernment, and to facilitate the election of a bishop, the MNO Synod office has created a resource guide a that will guide us in this important and faithful work together.  This Discernment Guide is available here: Discernment Guide for Electing a Bishop–FINAL

The Convention will include elections for other positions for Synod Council.  Information about these elections will be added as it is available.

Registration is now closed

  • Voting delegates are elected by their congregation.  Registration information will be sent directly to voting delegates when their names and contact information are given to the synod office.
  • Youth Voting Delegates are appointed by Synod Council.  Registration will be sent directly to youth voting delegates.
  • Invited guests will be sent registration information directly.
  • Visitors who wish to attend the Convention will need to register.  Visitors will be seated in a separate section of the convention space and will not be allowed voice or vote.  Visitors are welcome to participate in worship, observe the plenary sessions, and join the whole assembly for meals.