Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod Staff & Leadership

We are committed to strong communication. We seek to be accessible, responsive and attentive to leaders and ministry partners

The synod staff works with congregations in candidacy, the call process, formation, leadership development, stewardship, evangelism, church finance, property administration, congregational management, and conflict resolution. The staff also maintains the roster and carries out work in accounting and communication.

Our Staff

Rev. Jason Zinko
Rev. Jason ZinkoBishop
Contact Bishop Jason about:
Preaching and congregational visits
Candidacy and Mobility
Congregational Leadership
Ecumenical/Interfaith Partnerships
Ministry Initiatives
Media contact
Deacon Michelle Collins
Deacon Michelle CollinsAssistant to the Bishop
Contact Deacon Michelle about:
Preaching & Congregational Visits
Faith Formation, Discipleship, Children & Youth Ministry
CLAY bus trip
Young Adult & Campus ministry
Ministry Planning
Global Companion
Rev. Rachel Twigg
Rev. Rachel TwiggDirector of Discipleship
Contact Pastor Rachel about:
Reflecting on discipleship and faith formation
Reimagining Community Connection
Exploring alternative methods of ministry
Assessing challenges and opportunities affecting discipleship and growth
VacantOffice Administrator
During the staff vacancy, contact the synod office about:
Administrative processes
Submitting remittance
Congregational/leadership contact information
Submitting grant applications

Synod Leadership

  • Gabriella Balog (Chairperson)

  • Dan Brunet (Treasurer)

  • Rev. Courtenay Reedman Parker (Secretary)

  • Martin Kruse (Region 1)

  • Sandra Tymchyshyn (Region 2)

  • Nina Neimisto (Region 3)

  • Michelle McConomy (Region 4)

  • vacant (Region 4)

  • Rev. Jennifer Marlor (At-large clergy)

  • Rev. Debra Johnston (At-large clergy)

Other Leaders:

  • Rev. David Lowe (Canada Lutheran synod editor)

Rostered Leaders

In 2020, the MNO Synod council adopted an intentional welcome statement and committed itself to the ongoing work of reconciliation and radical inclusion.

Welcome Statement:

We have been reconciled to God through Christ. God forms us in the image of God, knows us and welcomes us. The MNO Synod seeks to welcome, embody, inspire, and support the acceptance and full participation of people of all racial and ethnic identities; as well as all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, their allies/supporters, friends and families. We strive for racial equity, and we want all people to know that they are each created in the image of God and valued for who they are. Through the grace of God, we are the Body of Christ when we embrace diversity and when all people are invited to participate fully in the life and ministry of the church. The MNO Synod commits itself to ongoing education, honest reflection, discussion, and policy and process development that will make our communities a safe space for all people to find welcome and to grow in faith. We ask God to guide us in living out this ministry of reconciliation.



Care for Creation

Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.



Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.

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