The MNO Synod Global Mission Committee was thrilled to invite Pr. Marie Besong to the MNO Synod for an accompaniment visit.  Pr. Marie is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (EELC), and is studying at Martin Luther University in Waterloo, pursuing a PhD in Psychotherapy.  The purpose of her visit to MNO was to build relationships as she shared with us and we shared with her stories of faith, leadership, and community engagement.  During her visit, Pr. Marie was able to attend the women’s retreat at Luther Village, share in food, fellowship and learning at First Lutheran and Faith Lutheran in Winnipeg, attend the Lutheran/Anglican Clergy Study Conference, and preach at St. Luke’s Zion in Winnipeg. Her visit to First Lutheran included a presentation and time of learning with the Women’s Empowerment Centre, an organization that partners with First in supporting women from and in South Sudan.  Her visit to Faith Lutheran included a presentation from the Community Connections Committee, who shared the various ways that congregation is connecting with community partners. Pr. Marie was also able to visit with retired ELCIC global missionary couple, Pr. Jack and Val Frederick, who served in Cameroon at Pr. Marie’s home congregation.

The MNO Synod engages in global companion relationships through the ELCA’s Global Mission agreements.  In the ELCA and the ELCIC, the philosophy of global partnership is shaped by the concept of accompaniment, which is drawn from the biblical story of the Walk to Emmaus and understands that partnerships with global companions are informed by the values of Mutuality, Inclusivity, Vulnerability, Empowerment, and Sustainability.  These values are lived out as partners break bread together, share stories together, make decisions together, and support one another in spiritual and material ways.  The MNO Synod’s relationship with the EELC has a deep history of programs that support vulnerable children and women in leadership.  Inviting Pr. Marie to visit and strengthen relationships with individuals and congregations in MNO helped us learn more about her experience as a women in leadership in the church, even as she listened to the ways our congregations are supporting vulnerable children and women’s empowerment in our communities.

Congregations and individuals can support global companion relationships by learning about issues affecting various parts of the world, engaging with local and global organizations that support refugees, education, healthcare, and overall wellness, designating financial gifts to the MNO Synod Global Missions Committee, and lifting up the global church in prayer.  Other ways the MNO Synod participates in global partnerships is through the work of CLWR and LWF.


“In engaging God’s reconciling mission through accompaniment, we work to equip ourselves and our companions for our call to share the good news and to serve our neighbors. It is easy to do, and there will always be very real challenges. But God invites us to the table, and then sends us go out with our companions to share and to serve. When we tire, our companions hold us up; when our faith is weak, our companions remind us of what we have seen and shared together. God gave us companions for this purpose. Together, we can continue to live out God’s reconciliation.” (Accompaniment, a document from the ELCA: