Abundance Leads to Generosity


The food at the Convention was catered by The Feast Cafe Bistro in Winnipeg and was amazing, but there were still lots of leftovers at the end of the weekend.  Voting delegate Karen Colquhoun from Grace stepped up and volunteered to deliver the leftovers to some agencies in Winnipeg.  She shared about the impact of those gifts: To let you know about leftovers: At least 80 pieces of bannock went to The Urban to enjoy with their taco soup on Sunday. All the breaky wraps and the muffins( 4 large bags) went to North Point Douglas Womens Centre on the Monday following [...]

Abundance Leads to Generosity2024-06-05T09:45:35-05:00

MNO Synod Global Mission Update: Re-engaging Discernment


Since 2003, our MNO Synod has been blessed to have a global companion relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon (EELC). This relationship had its beginnings when we got to know Pastor Etienne Fomgbami and family, who came to be missionaries to us from the Cameroon. Our continuing relationship is one based on praying for one another, visiting one another, and on joint ministry priorities that are beneficial to both of our churches. Over the years, we have been blessed to have a number of people from our synod visit and work with our partners in Cameroon, as well as [...]

MNO Synod Global Mission Update: Re-engaging Discernment2024-02-27T14:19:13-06:00

Ecumenical Prayer for Unity: Love God, Love Neighbour, Show Mercy


Ecumenical clergy participated in leading the service. Photo credit: Archdiocese of Winnipeg On January 21st, people from various Christian denominations gathered at the Lutheran Church of the Cross for the 2024  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service. Everyone came from different faith traditions, that evening, gathered together to pray for Christian unity. This year’s theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27). During the service, Deacon Michelle Collins expanded on this and encouraged the congregation to “Love God, love your neighbour, and [...]

Ecumenical Prayer for Unity: Love God, Love Neighbour, Show Mercy2024-02-14T15:21:28-06:00

Christmas at Trinity Food Pantry


The Trinity Food Pantry (TFP) continues to operate out of Saint Katerie Tekakwitha Roman Catholic Church. It is still known as Trinity Place to remember the history of Trinity Lutheran Church at Flora and King. Katerie was a Mohawk woman who survived a small pox epidemic. She is the first indigenous saint in North America. During COVID Harvest Manitoba experienced a great increase in demand for food. Hamper distribution was reduced from every two weeks to every four weeks. However, the hampers did not double in size. So families have to make do with less food even as prices have risen. [...]

Christmas at Trinity Food Pantry2023-11-20T15:35:17-06:00

Bishops’ Letter: Ceasefire Request


Bishop Jason Zinko (MNO Synod) and Bishop Geoff Woodcroft (Diocese of Rupert's Land) co-signed a letter to members of the synod and diocese encouraging people to write a letter to their local MP and Prime Minister Justin Trudaeu supporting the call for a ceasefire in the Land of the Holy One. The letter can be found here: DRL MNO Ceasefire.  

Bishops’ Letter: Ceasefire Request2023-11-02T15:16:52-05:00

Trinity Food Pantry Accepting Donations


The Trinity Food Pantry (TFP) continues to operate out of Trinity Place at Flora and King. This was the home of the former Trinity Lutheran Church. Ownership of the building passed to Aberdeen Mennonite Church. The Archdiocese of Winnipeg purchased the building. Trinity Place is now the home of Saint Katerie Tekakwitha Roman Catholic Church.  Aberdeen Mennonite Church continues to worship in the multi-purpose room. During COVID Harvest Manitoba experienced a great increase in demand for food. Hamper distribution was reduced from every two weeks to every four weeks. During COVID TFP also experienced a decline of in-kind donations because congregations [...]

Trinity Food Pantry Accepting Donations2023-09-26T11:29:30-05:00

Church Members Invited to Join Church Leaders at September 5 Brady Landfill Event


At 4:00 PM on Tuesday September 5, leaders of four major church denominations will be at Camp Morgan just outside the Brady landfill in Winnipeg. They will urge provincial political leaders to give the go-ahead to search the Prairie Green Landfill for the remains of two missing Indigenous women, Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of the United Church, The Rev. Mary Fontaine, Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, The Most Rev. Chris Harper, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, and The Rev. [...]

Church Members Invited to Join Church Leaders at September 5 Brady Landfill Event2023-09-01T19:51:39-05:00

Sudan Mission Centennial–100 years of Relationship-building and Witness


Synod staff and members of the MNO Synod Global Mission Committee participated in the Sudan Mission Centennial--the celebration of 100 years of Lutheran ministry and presence in what is now Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR)--hosted by ELCA Global Service in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. The event was attended by various groups who have history and connection with Cameroon and CAR. The bishop of the church in Cameroon and the president of the church in CAR were present via technology. Over 125 people came together at Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN) for a weekend of learning, listening and worship. Centred [...]

Sudan Mission Centennial–100 years of Relationship-building and Witness2023-07-12T10:19:09-05:00

Sudan Mission Centennial Celebration


As part of our global companion relationship with the EELC (Cameroon), representatives of the Global Mission Committee will be traveling to Minneapolis to participate in the Sudan Mission Centennial Celebration--reflecting on 100 years of ministry in what is now Cameroon and Central African Republic. If you would like to connect to this event, here is the information: On Saturday, July 8th, at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Cameroon Time. https://www.luthersem.edu/live/ On Sunday, July 9th, at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, from 10:30 to [...]

Sudan Mission Centennial Celebration2023-07-06T13:17:43-05:00

Job Postings–Diocese of Rupert’s Land


The Diocese of Rupert's Land is advertising 3 positions.  Please see the postings for each position for details and contact the Diocese directly with questions. Parish Incumbent Diocese of Rupert's Land News Editor  Diocesan Discipleship Developer 

Job Postings–Diocese of Rupert’s Land2023-06-15T09:15:32-05:00
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