At 4:00 PM on Tuesday September 5, leaders of four major church denominations will be at Camp Morgan just outside the Brady landfill in Winnipeg. They will urge provincial political leaders to give the go-ahead to search the Prairie Green Landfill for the remains of two missing Indigenous women, Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran.

The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of the United Church, The Rev. Mary Fontaine, Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, The Most Rev. Chris Harper, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, and The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still, Co-Chair of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, will visit Camp Morgan in solidarity with those calling for justice and an end to the violence against Indigenous women, children, and Two-Spirit people.

Church members are invited to join in prayer at that time, and to join in person if you can, to bear witness, to support the families and communities, and to continue our truth and reconciliation responsibilities.
If you are attending in person: A Google Maps link is here. Both Epiphany Lutheran Church, 200 Dalhousie Drive, and Trinity United Church, 933 Summerside Avenue, are kindly offering their parking lots as a carpool area. People can park their cars at Ephiphay or Trinity, meet up with others and car pool to get to Camp Morgan. We strongly encourage you to plan for this, as parking in the area of the landfill is limited and narrow, and there is a lot of industrial traffic. It’s about a 10 minute drive from either of these congregations to the entrance to Camp Morgan. Please plan on being at a carpool spot by about 3:15 pm if you can so you can head over in time to find parked and walk in, if needed. Wear No More MMIWG2S shirts or September 30 orange shirts if you wish.