MNO Synod leaders participated and attended the city-wide ecumenical service observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) on Sunday, Jan. 22.  The service was organized and hosted by Father Robert Palz (Ecumenical Liaison, RC Archdiocese of Winnipeg) and St. John XXIII Catholic Parish.  Using the materials created for the WPCU by the Minnesota Council of Churches, the service focused on the theme of “do good. Seek justice (Isaiah 1:17).”  Ritual actions invited participants to remember the significance of the waters of baptism, as well as listen to the stories of those who have suffered from the lack of justice.

The Most Reverend Richard Gagnon, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Winnipeg presided at the service and offered words of reflection and challenge.  An ecumenical choir was directed and organized by ELCIC Deacon Michéle Barre.

A recording of the service is available from the St. John XXIII YouTube channel: