
Pastors and Deacons in MNO

In Lutheran theology every Christian is ordained a priest at baptism, one who ministers to neighbours. However, the church may call certain of the baptized into “public ministry”. 

What distinguishes public ministers is that they have a call from a particular community of baptized Christians to perform certain functions in public. These functions include, at a minimum, teaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments. From time to time, as the situation merits, the church may designate additional functions to persons called into public ministry. The church establishes criteria which persons must fulfill in order to be eligible for a call into public ministry. Public ministers serve under call with defined responsibility, accountability and support (Reimagining Our Church: Public Ministry in the ELCIC, p. 6). Ordained Ministers–Pastors, Deacons and Bishop–are called and trained professional leaders serving in our congregations and other ministries.  These ministers serve in a variety of ways in the church.  

Information about the 2025 Clergy Study Conference is in the ‘Events’ tab below.

Registration link for Study Conference: coming in March 2025

Registration link for Boundary Training Workshop: no workshop scheduled in 2025

In order to strengthen the work we do together and assist pastors and deacons in their leadership and ministry, the following expectations are important:

Submit Reports

Annual reports to the bishop and parochial reports give the synod office important feedback and information that allows us to support rostered ministers & congregations.  These reports also give us data and information that informs our priorities and strategic priorities.

Complete Continuing Education

Time and financial support for Continuing Education is included in the employment agreement for rostered ministers.  It is important for pastors and deacons to take the time for learning, renewal, training and restoration.  Information about the Continuing Education plan, including forms for submitting for credit and reimbursement, are available through GSI.

Attend Synod Convention and Clergy Study Conference

The synod convention is an important time to hear/give reports, gather in fellowship and worship, and participate in decision-making.  Rostered pastors and deacons serving under call or appointment, and those on leave from call are voting delegates and expected to attend.  A set number of retired rostered pastors and deacons are voting delegates, and elected by their peers.

The annual clergy study conference, held in partnership with the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, is a time for learning, renewal and fellowship with colleagues. Rostered pastors and deacons serving under call or appointment are expected to attend.

ELCIC Group Services Inc. (GSI) is the administrator of benefits for ELCIC rostered ministers and employees of ELCIC congregations. Through the GSI web site rostered ministers can access a variety of information about health, financial, and educational support.

We want pastors and deacons to stay connected and in community and communication with each other.

Those in an active call are invited to gather via Zoom each week on Thursday at 10:30.  Contact the synod office for the Zoom link.

Retired pastors and deacons are invited to gather via Zoom twice each month on Friday at 2:00.  Contact the synod office for the Zoom link. Retirees seek to gather in person normally twice each year for lunch and socializing. Information will be emailed to all retired rostered ministers in advance.

The MNO Rostered Ministers Group on Facebook is an informal space for sharing questions, information and resources. Active and retired clergy are welcome to join this group. This is a closed and moderated group. Only rostered ministers of the MNO Synod will be admitted.

Rostered ministers can gather in ministry areas. These gatherings are not coordinated by the synod, but we encourage ministry areas to meet regularly for study, sharing, partnering, and support.

Other informal gatherings include “buy your priest a beer day”.  Information about these gatherings is sent out as it is available.

There are events throughout the year that pastors and deacons are invited and encouraged to attend.  Information about these events are shared through synod communications.  Some information and registration information is listed below:

2025 Clergy Study Conference

June 18-20, 2025 at Lakeview Hotel & Conference Centre in Gimli (MNO Synod clergy pre-conference event on June 17)
More information at


Pastors are ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament.  They often serve in congregations, but can also serve in non-congregational settings as chaplains, administrators, or other.  Pastors serve in MNO in Lutheran, Anglican or Lutheran-Anglican contexts.


Deacons are ordained to the ministry of Word and Service. They serve in congregations or in non-congregational settings where they pair their theological training with professional or occupational expertise of some kind.  Deacons in MNO serve as chaplains, synod staff, parish deacons, early childhood educators, and more.


Bishops are elected by the synod convention and ordained into the role.  A bishop provides oversight, pastoral guidance, and administrative leadership throughout the synod.  A bishop’s term is 6 years, and a bishop can serve more than one consecutive term.

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Empowered Discipleship. Faithful Transformation.

Centrality of worship and sacramental ministry. Sharing our faith stories and journeys.  Tools and resources to support faith formation. Led by Christ to new places and new ways of building faith in a changing world.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.

John 14:26

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