Synod staff and members of the MNO Synod Global Mission Committee participated in the Sudan Mission Centennial–the celebration of 100 years of Lutheran ministry and presence in what is now Cameroon and Central African Republic (CAR)–hosted by ELCA Global Service in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. The event was attended by various groups who have history and connection with Cameroon and CAR. The bishop of the church in Cameroon and the president of the church in CAR were present via technology.

Over 125 people came together at Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN) for a weekend of learning, listening and worship.
Centred around the themes of faithful presence and partnership in the past, present and future, the event included learning about the history of the work in Cameroon and CAR as well as hearing about the realities of the church today–which is fully led by local leaders. Sharing about the church today, Bishop Jean Baguele from Cameroon shared that faith is lived in community. He emphasized the role of relationships and the need for the church to continue to articulate a vision that speaks to the realities that are going on in the country today. President Joseph Ngoe from CAR reflected on the connection between the church and society and the way that economy, religious and social life is impacted by political realities. Both the church leaders articulated a firm commitment to the ongoing need for the church to be present and visible as a witness to the Gospel.

Bishop Jason (MNO Synod), Bishop Craig Schweitzer (WND Synod), Bishop Constanze Hagmeier (SD Synod), Bishop Jean Baguele (EELC-Cameroon) and President Joseph Ngoe (ELC-CAR) reflected on the future of global partnership and accompaniment in the bishops’ panel.
Bishop Jason facilitated a panel conversation with other bishops about the hope for the future of these partnerships, focusing on the mutual sharing between churches and learning from one another about discipleship, evangelism, leadership development, and stewardship of resources.
It was a special treat to reconnect with ELCA Global Personnel, Willi and Anne Langdji, and give thanks for their partnership and support, as well as meet others who have lived and worked in Cameroon and CAR.

Bishop Tessa Leiseth (END Synod), Bishop Jason and other visiting bishops participated in Sunday morning worship.
The celebration culminated with Sunday worship at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, the location of the first offices for the Sudan Mission and the sending congregation for the first Lutheran pastors, where ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton preached and visiting bishops participated as communion servers.
MNO Synod has a long-standing relationship with the national Lutheran church in Cameroon. The formal relationship has been in place since 2003, when MNO Synod Bishop Richard Smith and EELC President Thomas Niewye met while at the Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Winnipeg. The synod partners with the EELC in supporting the Kids in Cameroon program and in expanding opportunities for women in leadership.