As part of the Thanksgiving Retreat, youth learn and explore different aspects of worship as part of planning and preparing for Sunday morning worship.  This year, that included reflecting on and adding to a worship banner that expresses the upcoming theme for CLAY: “Ashes & Embers”.  This banner will be part of upcoming synod youth worship services in this year leading up to CLAY. Whether a congregation has youth attending CLAY or not, this banner can serve as an invitation to congregations to pray for youth and young adults in our church and the world–that they, like Moses, would have experiences of God that would open their eyes and hearts to a call to participate in God’s work of release, renewal and freedom for all of God’s people.

This banner was commissioned by the Youth & Young Adult Committee, who wanted to create an image that speaks to the reality of how synod youth ministry is in a season of transformation, discernment and regeneration.  It was designed by Sister Michelle Walka, a member of the ELCA Deaconess Community and founder of Beloved Art and Practice who is based in North Dakota but offers in-person and virtual creative practice workshops and opportunities in many places.  Sister Michelle led an MNO Synod youth Advent-themed paint night in Dec. 2021.  The banner was created and painted by Pr. Zsófi Schmiedge at St. Mark’s, Winnipeg.  Youth and leaders at the Thanksgiving Retreat added leaves and feathers as part of their ministry project.

Growing from the theme of CLAY 2023 (“Ashes & Embers”) the banner reflects on the story of Moses encountering God in the burning bush, as well as the Holy Spirit who empowers and sends each person.  The banner represents the reality that synod youth ministry (and the whole church) is going through a season of death and resurrection as we listen for God’s voice coming to us in new, unexpected, and sometimes unexplainable ways.