Youth & Young Adults in MNO

The MNO Synod has a vision to engage and empower youth and young adults, as well as to seek out the gifts and skills young people bring to the overall ministry of the Gospel.  Youth ministry includes programming, resources, and support for congregational leaders focused on students in grades 7-12.  Young Adult ministry includes campus ministry and resources, programming and support for those age 18-35 (ish).

Youth Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Upcoming Events

Information about youth and young adult events are included in the MNO Synod e-news, Youth Leader updates, and listed on the web site calendar.


More information and resources related to youth ministry is available through the ELCIC web site.

Info Coming

As youth ministry throughout MNO Synod develops, information will be added here.

MNO Synod Ministries & Initiatives

Learn more and get involved!


Care for Creation

Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.



Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.

Empowered Discipleship

Resourcing and Supporting Faith Formation. These priorities are for all of us, regardless of age, identity or background.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. John 14:26

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