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So far mnobishop has created 41 blog entries.

Question Privilege: Devotional/Study Resource from the MNO Synod Community Ministry Committee


The Community Ministry Committee is providing a study/devotional resource to guide reflection and conversation on privilege and anti-racism.  The reflections in this study are intended to generate reflection and discussion around the topic of privilege as it relates to different facets of identity.  Grounded in the scripture readings assigned in the RCL for the season of Lent 2024, this study invites the participants into a journey of reflection, lament, confession, and action as we continue to pray for and work towards a day without Racism. The study is designed to be a 5-session study, that can be covered in the five weeks [...]

Question Privilege: Devotional/Study Resource from the MNO Synod Community Ministry Committee2024-02-13T11:38:29-06:00

Youth Fall Retreat Re-Cap


The 2023 MNO Synod Youth Fall Retreat was a success this year, with youth and leaders from seven different congregations gathering at Luther Village for a weekend of fellowship, fun, friends and food.  Thanks to grants received from the Margie Kvern Scholarship Fund (MNO synod) and from the Luther League Legacy Fund (ELCIC), this year's retreat featured the dynamic and engaging presence and leadership of Rachel Kurtz, a professional singer/songwriter from Minneapolis.  Rachel shared her music and stories with energy and enthusiasm, helping each person explore and claim their identity as beloved, while also providing some music and worship training to the band. [...]

Youth Fall Retreat Re-Cap2023-12-12T12:38:25-06:00

Christmas at Trinity Food Pantry


The Trinity Food Pantry (TFP) continues to operate out of Saint Katerie Tekakwitha Roman Catholic Church. It is still known as Trinity Place to remember the history of Trinity Lutheran Church at Flora and King. Katerie was a Mohawk woman who survived a small pox epidemic. She is the first indigenous saint in North America. During COVID Harvest Manitoba experienced a great increase in demand for food. Hamper distribution was reduced from every two weeks to every four weeks. However, the hampers did not double in size. So families have to make do with less food even as prices have risen. [...]

Christmas at Trinity Food Pantry2023-11-20T15:35:17-06:00

Bishops’ Letter: Ceasefire Request


Bishop Jason Zinko (MNO Synod) and Bishop Geoff Woodcroft (Diocese of Rupert's Land) co-signed a letter to members of the synod and diocese encouraging people to write a letter to their local MP and Prime Minister Justin Trudaeu supporting the call for a ceasefire in the Land of the Holy One. The letter can be found here: DRL MNO Ceasefire.  

Bishops’ Letter: Ceasefire Request2023-11-02T15:16:52-05:00

Statement on Violence in Israel and Palestine


In response to the ongoing violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip, Bishop Jason Zinko (MNO Synod) and Bishop Geoff Woodcroft (Diocese of Rupert's Land) issued a joint letter calling for an end to hostilities. The full letter can be read here: Joint Letter re: Israel-Palestine

Statement on Violence in Israel and Palestine2023-10-13T17:06:41-05:00

Trinity Food Pantry Accepting Donations


The Trinity Food Pantry (TFP) continues to operate out of Trinity Place at Flora and King. This was the home of the former Trinity Lutheran Church. Ownership of the building passed to Aberdeen Mennonite Church. The Archdiocese of Winnipeg purchased the building. Trinity Place is now the home of Saint Katerie Tekakwitha Roman Catholic Church.  Aberdeen Mennonite Church continues to worship in the multi-purpose room. During COVID Harvest Manitoba experienced a great increase in demand for food. Hamper distribution was reduced from every two weeks to every four weeks. During COVID TFP also experienced a decline of in-kind donations because congregations [...]

Trinity Food Pantry Accepting Donations2023-09-26T11:29:30-05:00

Church Members Invited to Join Church Leaders at September 5 Brady Landfill Event


At 4:00 PM on Tuesday September 5, leaders of four major church denominations will be at Camp Morgan just outside the Brady landfill in Winnipeg. They will urge provincial political leaders to give the go-ahead to search the Prairie Green Landfill for the remains of two missing Indigenous women, Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of the United Church, The Rev. Mary Fontaine, Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, The Most Rev. Chris Harper, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, and The Rev. [...]

Church Members Invited to Join Church Leaders at September 5 Brady Landfill Event2023-09-01T19:51:39-05:00

Back to School Prayer


As a new school year begins, the MNO Synod Youth Committee composed a prayer to remind students, parents, administrators, support staff, and all involved in education in any way, that we are praying for you! Gracious and loving God, thank you for the gift of education in all of its forms. We pray for all who are returning to school this fall. As they prepare to start a new school year, may confidence be their foundation. May grace and empathy be their guide, and curiosity and hope be their compass. May they have eyes to see the needs of those around [...]

Back to School Prayer2023-09-01T19:53:16-05:00

Stories of Discipleship: Head and Heart


“Stories of Discipleship” is a way to lift up stories of faith and discipleship from members throughout MNO Synod.  These stories come out of the synod’s ministry priority of “Empowered Discipleship” and the invitation to discipleship received in and through baptism.  We want to share how faith impacts and guides the life of our members, and how we can see God acting through the lives of others. We hope this will inspire us to look for where God is present for us, encourage us to grow in our own discipleship, and reassure us that we are not alone in living out [...]

Stories of Discipleship: Head and Heart2023-07-14T17:11:04-05:00

Stories of Discipleship: You Are Not Alone


"Stories of Discipleship" is a way to lift up stories of faith and discipleship from members throughout MNO Synod.  These stories come out of the synod's ministry priority of "Empowered Discipleship" and the invitation to discipleship received in and through baptism.  We want to share how faith impacts and guides the life of our members, and how we can see God acting through the lives of others. We hope this will inspire us to look for where God is present for us, encourage us to grow in our own discipleship, and reassure us that we are not alone in living out [...]

Stories of Discipleship: You Are Not Alone2023-07-14T16:35:08-05:00
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