The 2023 MNO Synod Youth Fall Retreat was a success this year, with youth and leaders from seven different congregations gathering at Luther Village for a weekend of fellowship, fun, friends and food.  Thanks to grants received from the Margie Kvern Scholarship Fund (MNO synod) and from the Luther League Legacy Fund (ELCIC), this year’s retreat featured the dynamic and engaging presence and leadership of Rachel Kurtz, a professional singer/songwriter from Minneapolis.  Rachel shared her music and stories with energy and enthusiasm, helping each person explore and claim their identity as beloved, while also providing some music and worship training to the band.  She reflected on the story of the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4 and brought the scripture to life through her stories and humour.  Pr. Courtenay Reedman Parker provided pastoral support for the weekend and guided meaningful evening prayer and morning worship times.  Besides playing games, enjoying nature, and building community through laughter and food, the youth also worked together to create and lead worship on Sunday, sharing their gifts and faith through singing, writing and leading prayers, and reading the lessons for the day.

Thank you to all the youth leaders, pastors, parents and adults who supported this year’s fall retreat.  Congregational support of MNO Synod youth ministry allows retreats like this one to continue to create space for transformation with young people.  Please continue to keep synod youth leaders, youth groups, and synod youth ministry in your prayers.

View a highlight video of the retreat at: