Committees in the MNO Synod
Synod committees are an essential way the MNO Synod lives out its mission and ministry. Members to committees are elected or appointed and serve for a variety of terms. Committees provide reports to the synod council. Committees support the mission and ministry of the synod by developing tools and resources to support faith formation, growing ministries outside of traditional Sunday church, addressing the changing needs of congregations, connecting congregations to one another for shared ministry and learning, and more. Synod Council can also create ad hoc committees for a particular purpose or focus.
The Community Ministry Committee seeks to guide congregations and leaders in developing new ways of community witness and engagement. They provide strategies and vision for growing and developing ministry impact in various contexts. The committee may call together sub-committees to focus on particular areas of emphasis and focus related to social engagement. Examples of sub-committees might include an emphasis on reconciliation, hunger and poverty, climate care, and more. To learn more about the Community Ministry Committee, contact the synod office.

The Candidacy Committee evaluates, supports and encourages candidates for ordained ministry according to the policies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and through the use of the ELCIC Candidacy Manual.
If you are a potential Candidate, learn more about the process here.
The Examining Committee works with others to provide final evaluation and assessment of candidates related to ordination.

The Youth & Young Adult Committee supports synod staff in developing an overall strategy and providing oversight of youth ministry, young adult ministry, and campus ministry, in a way that aligns with the priorities of the synod and the ELCIC.
Learn more about Youth & Young Adult Ministry.
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Faithful Transformation. Mutual Support.
Remaining rooted in the foundations of our faith to allow for regrowth and reformation. Connecting our congregations to one another for more effective participation in God’s mission.
…be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God–what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
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