MNO Synod Grants Committee
The Grants Committee is a consolidation of the former Canadian Mission, ACTS of the MNO, Compassionate Justice, and Margie Kvern Memorial Scholarship committees. Responsibility for overseeing all funding opportunities in the Synod now rests with this committee, and they are working to support the church by using the resource we have effectively. The Grants Committee is charged with evaluating and discharging grants on behalf of the MNO Synod Council. The role of the committee is to receive, acknowledge and process all grant applications for the MNO Synod. Once funding has been approved for one of five specific grants, the committee works with the Synod office and synod council to give approval, make recommendations, communicate with recipients and disperse funds.
The Grants Committee is not just a group who make decisions on applications but is a resource for the entire Synod. If there is a project or idea you want to develop, the Grants Committee will work with you to facilitate your ideas! If there is an idea you want to develop, or you have an interest in applying for any of the MNO Synod grants please reach out to committee chair Michael Kvern, or any of the committee members!
Funding criteria is specific to each grant. By focusing the application process for all five grants through one committee, it is our belief that we will gain deeper familiarity with the criteria and assess each application and direct it to the appropriate application, thereby streamlining the process for the applicants. It is part of our mandate to work alongside the recipients who received grant funding to ensure the impact statements are shared with the wider church, and our statistical reporting is complete to the Synod office. When necessary, revisions to the grant application process will be made according to feedback as the process gets rolling.
We hope that this committee will be able to fund more projects in more places, strengthening our church and our mission.
Below is information about each grant, which all use one application form. Contact the synod office with questions about any of the grant descriptions or criterial.

Margie Kvern Scholarship
Applications will be reviewed as they are received, but not earlier than March 31 of each year. Grant recipients are announced as applications are reviewed and approved.
In memory of Margie Kvern, this scholarship is for musical people who are sharing their gift of music in our congregations in MNO. This scholarship is a partnership between the MNO Synod and the Winnipeg Foundation. The award is given annually to one or more applicants or projects that address a musical need in an MNO Synod Congregation or Synodically Recognized Ministry. Examples of possible requests include: conferences, education, programming, musical equipment, or instruments.
Submit applications to the synod office.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
The MNO Synod receives funding from the ELCIC (given through CLWR gifts) to help enable social justice projects on our territory that seek to address anti-poverty causes and issues in Canada. These funds are to assist church and society groups with endeavours that address poverty in local settings. The set of criteria for these programmes is outlined below.
Projects are typically awarded grants varying from $500 to $6000
A registered charity number is required to apply.
Only projects which will be completed in the current calendar year will qualify.
1. Build awareness on hunger and poverty issues as well as solutions through education, leadership development and advocacy.
2. Focus on domestic hunger and poverty issues with priority given to:
a. Food security (i.e. production, distribution, acquisition, nutrition, land use)
b. Employment (i.e. job training, counselling, placement, child care)
c. Development (i.e. preventative and primary health care, water and sanitation, literacy, housing, social services, environmental issues).
3. Are well planned in cooperation with and build on the social, cultural and spiritual resources of people who have access to limited material resources.
4. Promote self-reliance.
5. Operate in collaboration with other ecumenical and social services partners.
Applications will be considered as they are received.
Does your congregation have some dreams to extend your present ministry of outreach?
Each year 90% of the interest earned from the ELCIC’s “Church Extension and Capital Fund” (a fund that exists to assist new mission work here in Canada) is divided among our five synods, which means that the MNO Synod Grants Committee is looking to partner with you. We may be able to assist you in Partnership Support (support for more than one year) or Project Support (normally short term or one year projects). If you are wondering if your idea qualifies, review the criteria below or contact the MNO Synod Office.
- Application from a ministry, group, or individual within the MNO Synod
- Applications are expected to meet one or more of the following criteria:
- are exploratory or experimental in nature;
- seek to address a challenge you are facing in relation to the Church’s mission for which a way forward is not easily discernible
- seek to develop relationships with others in local communities and neighbourhoods
- encourage participation in God’s mission in local communities and neighbourhoods
Submit applications to the synod office.
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